Visit Your Elderly Family Members and Neighbors


Staff Writer

“Bye! Come back and see me again. Hopefully, I can figure out this video game.” These were the last words I had heard from my grandpa before I left his house to head back to my grammy’s who lived down the street from them. It is important to visit your elders and spend some time with them to see what they have going on in their lives. It’s nice to even take the time out of your day to go say hi to the lady next door who always waters her plants at a specific time every day. It’s important to say hi to the elderly and people you love in general because you never know how much time you have left with them. My grandpa had open heart surgery and my family didn’t feel he was going to make it through that because of the condition the doctors said he was in. Yet the stubborn old man pushed through and lived for quite sometime after that. Then again he had CAT scans done on him when he went to the doctor for surgery and there were no signs of anything harmful happening. Sadly a brain mass caught on a little while after his surgery and took him away in a matter of weeks. The moral of the things I just explained is if I hadn’t gone to see him before all that had happened I would have been devastated. So I implore you to go say hi to your grandma or grandpa that always buys you school supplies, shoes, expensive things, whatever it may be.


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