Mt. Whitney VS El Diamante Volleyball 


Staff Writer 

The El Diamante volleyball team versus the Mt.Whitney volleyball team. On October 12th, 2022 is where El Diamante pulled off a major win against Mt.Whitney. This game was very fun and intense. We were all rocking pink for national breast cancer awareness month, our student section going crazy jumping up and down and cheering for all the girls after they got a kill, ace, and dig. The student section was screaming and having a blast watching the volleyball girls. The 1st set was El Diamante dominating by 25-14 El Diamante winning. The second set was a very close set win but was able to pull it off by 25-22 winning by 3 points. The 3rd final set was us dominating again with 25-13. Our team was working very well together and having a fun time. During the timeouts, El Diamante volleyball girls were listening to the timeout songs and singing with our student section as well. The EDHS gym was very fun and a blast to have everyone cheer and take home another win against Mt.Whitney. Our record against them is 2-0. The next home game is next Thursday for our senior night. Come out and support our El Diamante volleyball team! 

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