A First Timer

Staff Writer

About a week ago, for the very first time, I was invited to go hiking at Sequoia National Park. Since I know I like nature and seeing pretty scenery, I figured I would enjoy it. Although there was lots of beautiful scenery from the drive up there to the actual trail itself and it was nice seeing all of it, hiking was a lot more exhausting than I pictured it to be on the way up. Especially with all the incline that my legs were not—in absolutely any type of way—prepared for. In the end, the exhaustion I went through proved to be worth it considering that at the top I got to see a beautiful lake and take some time to relax. On the other hand, coming back down was a breeze. Thanks to gravity, I was even able to run a bit and get down a lot faster than it took me to get up. I got to see lots of animals as well, such as a baby deer and its mother, lots of squirrels, fish,  and, for the first time in my life, a chipmunk. Despite how exhausted I was afterward and how much pain my ankles were in from being rolled every thirty seconds, I think it’s safe to say that I would most definitely go hiking again. 

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