Perfect Beauty Created by Imperfection


Staff Writer

This work is ‘Venus de Milo’, which is a must-see work if one goes to the Louvre Museum. This statue contains the perfect human body expression and the ‘Golden Ratio’, the standard of beauty for the Greeks at the time. By the beauty standards of Greek, it has to embody the human body perfectly, but ironically, it has no arms.

Venus’s missing arms caused great difficulties for researchers because the movements of the statue and the objects in her hands could determine what kind of goddess she is. Nevertheless, the researchers tirelessly searched for the original Venus, and the fragments of the left hand that was found with the statue gave a rough idea of ​​the original form of Venus, and restoration techniques were also ready to make the original Venus. 

However, the Louvre decided not to restore Venus. He said that the reason Venus de Milo is beautiful is that it is imperfect. 

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