Tule River Project


Staff Writer

On October 16, 2022, our Mountain Club and Redwood’s Generation Green Club collaborated on a project of removing graffiti drawn on rocks of Tule River, Springville. They contacted a local ranch to help them navigate through the place, use the kitchen to have lunch after work, and show volunteers from both clubs the beautiful scenery around them. With the help of club advisors, volunteers mixed paint to match the rocks to paint over the graffiti, blending them so no one would notice that there were writings at all. After 3 hours of work, they ran out of paint but had most of the work done. Coming back to the ranch, they had lunch and free time to enjoy the surroundings and the river itself. 

Overall it was an amazing experience and an opportunity to help the community. We should be proud and more appreciative that our fellow students are making an effort to glory our school and contribute to society.

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