Girls Who Don’t D&D Review


Staff Writer

Dungeons and Dragons, also known as D&D, is a fantasy roleplaying game that has been played for many years, starting first in 1974. The game consists of a Dungeon Master (DM) who controls the events that take place and players who react to such events accordingly. Players can create their own characters with specific stats to best effectively play the game in whatever playstyle/class the player so chooses. D&D is a game that can be very intimidating to those new to the game and community but often leads to great fun with the effort put in.

Girls Who Don’t D&D is a podcast based around three girls (Indy, Stacy, and Alana) who, you guessed it, have never played Dungeons and Dragons before. Their game is led by Cory, a long-time player who owns all of the books but hasn’t read them, as they learn to play the game in the made-up land of Kalee and try to discover who their characters are and how to save the world.

I myself have been interested in starting and playing in my own D&D campaign, but have not known where to start. This podcast has helped me slowly figure that out though, as it is extremely beginner friendly. As the girls learn new rules and concepts they are explained live for viewers to take note of as well. It’s helped me so much that I’ve even begun making my own character that I will now be able to use as I like.

More than the helpfulness it provides, Girls Who Don’t D&D has a fun story and very likable characters. When I listen, I find myself rooting for the girls, anticipating their success and feeling distraught from their downfalls. I want them to find the truth about Kalee and to come out from their battles on top. I feel so immersed in the story and characters, I get the same joy that I would from a really good book or TV show.

Overall, Girls Who Don’t D&D is an amazing podcast that I would definitely recommend to fantasy fans along with those interested in learning more about D&D as a whole. It’s available on all streaming platforms and releases about once a month. Give it a try!

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