White Mocha


Staff Writer

Iced coffee is a perfect drink to choose first thing in the morning, add whip cream on top because it makes it more pretty. You chose this drink because you love the taste and you enjoy the burst of energy it gives you. Though as you sit down to sip your iced coffee the sun is too bright and starts to melt your whipped cream. There’s no more fun to your coffee and since you didn’t think of the consequences of no food with your drink your stomach begins to rumble. The feeling of each sip is becoming less and less enjoyable, no longer even feel the want of finishing the drink. Though you were so excited this morning to feel the energy, taste the drink, and oh the fun whipped cream. However, you are left with anxiety, an upset stomach, and no whipped cream. The shakiness of your hands begins to set in same with the regret of even ordering the coffee. To many people, this is a simple problem, no need to think about the situation for more than a moment. However to you, this was the one thing you have been looking forward to, the one thing you were hoping to enjoy, and with all faith being lost in the enjoyment of anything your day is ruined. You hop back into bed with your upset stomach more upset at yourself for trying to be happy and ordering the iced coffee you have been thinking about all week. Upset and hungry, ready to find another day just like this, and wonder how you will ever feel satisfied from the happiness of your own life.

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