The Blue Jean Man – A Short Story


Staff Writer

There was a man who always wore these blue jeans in our neighborhood. Although it wasn’t just blue jeans, he complimented them with a series of different shirts that all seemed withered from a lot of use. The shirts ranged from, blues, blacks, very dark purple, and raven-colored black. The shirt that stuck out the most to almost all the neighborhood kids was a white shirt he wore. It had a tear near the stomach, the chest, and one in the sleeve. The shirt was riddled with stains, dirt, and wax of some sort. Yet none of those colors could compare to the stains of red. There were three, one being on the chest, the right side, and all across the front come to think of it. It looked like something you’d pull from a Friday the 13th movie. The man would walk around the block at very specific times, then one day he never passed my window. For some reason, I got a cold chill that ran up my spine and down to my toes and fingertips. I tried not to think anything of it as I was eating dinner, then readying for bed. I awoke the next day to a loud clanking noise coming from down the street. It was around 3:45 in the morning. I woke up and put on my darkest clothes and silently creeped out of the house, not wanting to wake my parents. He lived a few houses down which wouldn’t have been too far of a walk. As I approached this old, melancholy, moldy, and love-ridden house, then, what seemed to be, kitchen lights flicked on so I ducked behind a bush. As I watched him walk to the back of the house I approached the side window next to the kitchen and let myself in, only to make my way to a secluded spot next to the pantry. “God this house is everything I imagined it to be”, I told myself as I examined the room. The kitchen was an old, chipped gray with a single bright yellow light above the sink. The place reeked of what seemed to be dead aged flesh and something that rotted between a rock and a hard place. Gagging as I shifted my position I heard the man clonking his feet and kicking things out of his way coming down the hallway. This was the first time I ever saw the man up close. He was around 6″5″ in height, neither fat nor neither muscular. It was a scary mix between the two, he wore the same white shirt as last time yet this time his blue jeans and white shirt were covered with…blood. As I was too busy focusing on the beastly man in front of me, something cold touched my shoulder.

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