My Dog Bear


Staff Writer 

Bear is a purebred Yorkie. Bear is one of the dogs that I have had for almost all of my life. I got her when I was only supposed to “puppy-sit” her one weekend. Over the course of two days, my sister and I fell in love with her and refused to give her back. My sister came up with her name because when she was a puppy she looked like a baby cub with all-black fur. Fast forward 4 years, one day when my sister was outside with Bear and our neighbor had a rescue pitbull that she just got. My neighbor’s gate was open at the same time my sister was outside with Bear and as soon as that dog got past the gate, Bear turned into a chew toy. She was rushed into emergency surgery and her chances of making it were below 15%. There were many times when we got a call saying that she wasn’t going to make it and to say our goodbyes one last time. Bear had around 8 surgery’s and was being held together by around 100 staples. Despite the circumstances, she was a fighter and pushed through. Many years later Bear is growing old and living her best life.

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