Fun Things to do Over Thanksgiving Break


Staff Writer

Since we have a week-long break coming up, I wanted to make a list of some enjoyable things that you can do over Thanksgiving break. 

  1. Read a Good Book

You have a whole week to find a good book to read and to also finish it. 

  1. Sleep in as Long as you Want

Since there is no school, take advantage of not having to wake up early. You can sleep in until 4:00 in the afternoon if you want. 

  1. Watch movies

A really fun idea would be to have a really fun movie day. You can do this by yourself or with others. Just get snacks, movies, and blankets, and be ready to spend the whole day watching movies. 

  1. Hang out with friends

There are so many fun things to do with your friends. Go get breakfast or coffee together.

  1. Chill with your family

I feel like a lot of families don’t see each other that much due to work and school, so this week is a perfect time to just hang out and have dinner with each other. 

  1. Go shopping on Black Friday

There are so many good deals on Black Friday. You can go shopping with a group of your friends and find so much stuff for really good prices. 

  1. Bake something

Go online and find a good recipe and experiment with them. Make a cake or even bake some cookies and you can give them to people.


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