Between the Lines – A Book Review 

By Josslyn Caskey

 Staff writer

Most seniors this semester have read the Jon Krakauer book, “IntoThe Wild”. When asked if they enjoyed the book the answers were divided. Some like the visionary side of Alex McCandless, while others did not. 

Into The Wild is a book written by Jon Krakauer about a man named Alex McCandless. In the early 90s, McCandless would travel around America almost as a transcendentalist. Along the way, he meets people who helped and guided him to his final destination in Alaska. In April 1992 he finally arrived in Alaska and walked alone into the wilderness…four months later he was found by moose hunters. Dead. 

Based on a true story, Alex McCandless’ life story fascinated millions across America. Personally, I was fascinated by McCandless’ story. Recently I’ve been fascinated by how people think and why they think that way. I enjoyed this story overall. It’s fascinating to me. I understand how some may think poorly of it. Yes, McCandless was a dreamer kid and was ill-prepared. But it’s why and how he did it. Overall I’d give it four stars out of five.

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