Bali Suffering Water Loss


Staff Writer 

Bali is currently going through a major water crisis. Bali is known as one of the most beautiful places on Earth! But recently, Bali has been experiencing a downfall in the water that is available to them, and with the growing population size, the water they do have is insufficient to supply the population’s needs. There are three main reasons contributing to Bali’s water shortage.

  1. Increase in Growing Tourism 

Bali is known for its beauty and is often referred to as paradise on earth. But with the rapid increase in its population, and more tourists visiting, its water supply has become insufficient. Hotels have been using a massive amount of Bali’s water, referring back to groundwater and their use of well water. Not only has it impacted tourist attractions, but agriculture is no longer a profitable option for businesses. Generations to come will have to work in tourist attractions because of the higher water prices and unpredictable seasons. 

  1. Inadequate Water System

The insufficient water systems have been harming Bali as well. Bali has limited water storage units which lead to not enough water being sanitized. Bali continues to lack rainwater which is detrimental to the environment. Only a few residents will rely on PDAM – public water supply – due to the capacity it holds and will only provide limited amounts of water throughout the day.

  1. Bali’s Environment

Bali’s changing environment has not helped Bali’s water shortage. There continues to be a loss of agricultural land, climate change, and deforestation. This will continue to affect Bali’s natural water resources.

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