Things That Don’t Make Sense: Part 2


Staff Writer

  • Flooding. Why doesn’t the water just spread out and drain? I just don’t get it because water has so many ways to leave like evaporation and decomposition so why doesn’t it? I know why but why?
  • Time. Who decides what a minute is or what an hour is? And why are there 365 days in a year? In addition, why does leap year happen? Why does everyone just accept the fact that time skips? 
  • Air Fryer. How does air get so hot that it fries things? And I thought air easily escaped things so why doesn’t it fry me? Don’t get me wrong I love the air fryer but I don’t really get why it works. 
  • Body Movement. How does the brain command the whole body with just nerves? And if that’s the cause, are we able to control other people with nerves?
  • Different types of fruits. How are fruits able to do different types of textures purely based on a seed’s genetics? This also leads me to how genetics work. 
  • Genetics. It literally just doesn’t make sense how genetics form you. I don’t know how else to put it into words. 

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