Winter Break

Staff Writer

Over break, I mostly just relaxed and hung out around Visalia. But, I also went to Tennessee and had a great time. The whole time I was in Tennessee it was freezing cold and snowing. For the first time, I woke up to a white Christmas because the snow hasn’t been seen since 1999 in Visalia. Tennessee was very nice and honestly, I liked the cold weather too. In Nashville, there were multiple bars with country singers at every bar. It was a great experience because I do not have the most experience with country music so I enjoyed that a lot. Also during the break, I went to China Peak resort and had a great time. Since it has been raining so much in the Valley the snow was perfect and the conditions were great. Although it was very cold I loved being there skiing in the great snow. Over Christmas break, I had a great 3 weeks. The break was filled with multiple adventures but also I got to relax which I needed because of all of the school before the break. Overall, I would rate this break a 9/10 because I loved Tennessee and the snow was almost perfect for a great ski day at China Peak.

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