Why Period Products Should be Free


Staff Writer 

Ever heard of society describing periods as an excuse to be weak? Well, they are wrong. Our society has left a stigma around women’s body parts like the uterus after decades of debate. All forms of feminine products are one of the least accessible essentials; they are costly and consumers make them with intoxications. Sanitary products become more harmful, with each product containing bleach and dyes they become more overpriced. Just like many other healthcare products like insulin, contacts, and everyday medicine; period products are vital for any woman’s life, and it is imperative they are free. 

Primarily, there are many types of sanitary products to choose from, yet not one of them is free. Feminine products should be free of charge. In just a few years the price of sanitary products will accumulate and become very expensive. If sanitary products are already expensive in just a short time, it should be noted that periods can start around the early age of 10, and menopause happens around the age of 45-55. Hygiene is very important, but in some cases it can not be kept up with, resulting in a need for sanitary products to be free and available for everyone in public restrooms. These necessary products are not affordable or accessible in most public restrooms not only for the homeless but everyone. But, also known as period poverty, these hygiene products are not considered essential, but a luxury. Unfortunately, these essentials are not covered by any kind of government resource like “WIC”, or “Food stamps”. Women should not be charged for going through a natural process of life. There are many homeless women, and teens in shelters who could use this kind of help; also children who start at a young age! It is discriminatory that more than half of the population bears the financial and physical distress of the reproductive system that is crucial to human survival. There is period poverty, but never period equality.

  Next, the importance of having knowledge about the reproductive system. Menstruation has different effects on different women. For some, it is more painful yet for others, it might not be so bad. One of the largest ways it can affect someone is within the days that a period lasts. For example, some women may go through pads faster than others because naturally, they tend to have a longer period. Longer periods lead to needing more products than others, and that’s okay! It would only be more efficient if these products at the least were cost-efficient, or at the slightest, accessible. What goes into these products is what goes into us women. Many of these feminine products are made with bleach and other chemicals that can lead to serious health issues that can be blinding at first. Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, period products that are organic have a clear list of ingredients that are more expensive! It is no shocker, as these feminine products are more expensive to make; therefore, have to be sold at a higher price. It is intolerable with the way we women have to put up with this to even begin with, but this is what society’s standards have come to. There is no difference between consumer and customer; they both equal the same thing; money.

Conversely, the conversation about periods needs to be normalized and supported. Not enough people know enough about this issue to want to establish a change. Others downplay the fact that period products are essential, and not only wanted by us women. Others, like companies, could imply the fact that there would be an increase in the amount of waste that is produced if feminine products were to become free, and that would only be because they are accessible. The amount of waste that is produced is not as big of a problem as the money that will not be made. Producers do not get government resources to make feminine products free, therefore how could they possibly become free? 

After all, any form of a feminine product is going to be costly to make, but with help from the government maybe it wouldn’t be. It is considered embarrassing to walk into Walmart with a box of tampons because then the whole store knows you’re on your period? So what. The embarrassment women face because they menstruate is outrageous, and we as women don’t advocate enough about this topic, so the importance of it gets lost. If more people were educated and knew more about the importance of the reproductive system, we women wouldn’t be at a loss as big as this one. 

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