2023 Grad Nite


Staff Writer

For this year’s Grad Nite, seniors will be going to Disneyland. While I am very excited to spend time with my senior class before graduation, and at Disneyland, nonetheless, the date which has been decided is (to be completely honest) bad. Our Grad Nite is the day after our Senior Prom. We will have to be at school at 6:30 A.M. the day after the most important dance of high school. We will all be exhausted from the night of dancing before, which will put a drag on our energy for the trip. Though, this is not even the worst part. Grad Nite is on Mother’s Day. MOTHER’S DAY. We will be gone the entire day and will be unable to celebrate our last Mother’s Day living at home (for many of us). I know my mom will be very upset to celebrate without me, and the daughter guilt I am going to feel will be immense. There could have been a much better date picked for this year’s Grad Nite. 

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