Poem About Other Poems


Staff Writer

Heard once before as decades grow poems become background noise left misunderstood.

However the same author’s spit out more words about how their poem is more meaningful, their poem will spread an unheard message, their poem what’s going to leak new information.

With the same talk about violets being red and blue, that saying will move everyone does it move you.  

With the same talk about the road not taken, the path undiscovered.

Though I’m being contradicting while this poem is just another poem, just more words, and non the less as equally as unimportant. 

Does my words describing how un-valuable poems are these days make mine any more significant?

The answer is no, no matter how in detail I build the picture that this activity is, to sound deep using bigger words, using figurative language, to make the wind have a voice.

My poem should not convince you that poems are purposeless just as someone else can describe someone else’s worth and has no real effect on how important that person is to the world. Just because you don’t understand it doesn’t make it any less valuable.

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