Movie Review 

By: Aubrie Cardona 

Staff Writer 


Jamsey Boy was about a 14-year-old troubled kid that had chosen the lifestyle of living with gangsters. James wanted to prove to his boss that he was capable of being loyal when he went down the wrong path, he ended up being put in prison. Through his experience of prison still trying to be a loyal person he meets a lifer which is what they call a person sentenced to life, and this lifer named Conrad had taught him you can’t act tough if you are put in prison it’s not worth your life staying in there. After finally getting his case looked at the judges decided he would be able to live his life how he wanted the right way. The first thing James did was get a job cleaning and saving up to buy his own house. Still in love with his ex-girlfriend, he went to go see her. After the months had passed she finally got engaged to another man. James went to move out of Chicago and live his life in New York. This story was based on a true story. 

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