How to Feel More Productive


Staff Writer

Many high school students get really stressed and done with the work they have been given. The workload is usually a lot for a five-day school week. On top of that, we have assignments, tests, quizzes, or projects we have to complete. Sometimes it is just too overwhelming; then you have to get home and do three hours of homework and study on top of that so by the end of the week you just feel burned out.

 Below is a list of ways to feel more productive:

  1.  Wake up thirty minutes earlier
  2. Plan out your day
  3. Put phone away
  4. Create a checklist
  5. Set deadlines for work
  6. Set daily goals
  7. Do the hardest task first 
  8. Check workspace clean
  9. Drink more water
  10. Have small breaks in between assignments

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