The Pros and Cons of Makeup


Staff Writer

Since the roaring beauty influencer craze in the 2010s, the percentage of makeup wearers has skyrocketed. Nevertheless, makeup has been around for the longest time, yet we are just seeing how it affects the average wearer.

Makeup is a way to express yourself and to make yourself feel more confident, but it can also be detrimental to your mental health and how you view yourself. I am in no way saying that makeup is a bad thing. I love makeup and it really is a way to feel more like yourself. What I’m saying is that when you get used to how you make yourself look, you can lose sight of the natural beauty that we all have.

Personally, I went through a phase in my life where I would wear eyeliner every day and I quickly got used to how I looked with it. When I would take it off, I hated how I looked. It was a vicious cycle. It took a while, but I slowly learned to love my natural face and knew how to ration how much makeup I used.

Once again, makeup is not a bad thing to enjoy as it is a way to feel more confident and express yourself. Just be cautious with how it affects the way you view yourself.

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