The Effects of Social Media Use


Staff Writer 

Humans are social creatures. We need each other in order to survive and it’s to the point where if we lack strong social connections with others, our mental health will take a tremendous toll. Although it’s designed to connect and bring us closer to one another, in reality, it can tend to make us feel more isolated and lonely, especially if we use it too much. So make sure you limit your screen time! Your mental health will thank you. 

Down below is a list of just some of the adverse effects of social media usage:

1. Increased risk of developing depression and anxiety

2. Increased feelings of loneliness

3. Feelings of inadequacy about your life and/or appearance

4. Increased risk of suicidal thoughts

5. Self-absorption

6. Increased FOMO (fear of missing out)

7. Cyberbullying

8. Sleep problems

9. Trouble focusing

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