Spiritualism and a Few Different Works of Magic

Staff Writer 


You might hear the word magic and think of a fantasy world, or Harry Potter, or even a scamming magician on the Vegas strip. But real-life witch work is more than that and it has been around for longer than you would think. Spiritualism in general has to do with connecting your soul, mind, and vibrations to the earth and universe. It’s a very valid practice that many people look up to as a higher power. Along with it, there is a lot of witchcraft that some people would classify as magic. There are a ton of different types of magic that one could practice but keep in mind that some genres of magic are closed off to certain people. See if a magic practice is associated with a particular region or culture then it isn’t for you to practice and could do you harm if you do so. For example, hoodoo and voodoo both have African roots and are only available to those with any type of ancestry related to that. Personally, as a Mexican-American, I wouldn’t be able to partake in that but I am open to Brujeria and the magic of my culture. It all depends on where you have your roots. Yet not all genres of magic are closed off like divination or kitchen magic which have to do with future readings, patronage, alchemy, and charm work. Here is a list of my favorites and the different magics that I am drawn to.

Red Magic: also known as sex magic, red magic involves love, sex, and passion and manipulating those elements to your own use. It includes practicing love, intimacy, and sex spells. This also includes strength, protection, defense, success, attraction, fame, charm, power, lust, violence, speed, anger, and domination. This is closed magic so do your research.

Glamour Magic: a type of protection magic using cosmetics and things you wear that carry yourself to attract good and repel negativity. Using your own law of attraction and energy to get what you want through enchantment and manifestations. Using affirmations to manifest the best version of yourself. Calling to gods like Aphrodite, himeros, and Eros.

Alchemy: the act of using magic to create spells and potions. It’s creating alters and jars and candle spells to get a stronger outcome. Using dried herbs, flowers, tag locks, crystals, and items to get the desired outcome.

Divination: using tarot cards and pendulums to predict the future. Using these along with self-power and intuition to find out what the future appears as.  Using patronage to a deity to channel who they are and put it into magic.

Dark magic: using Jinxes, hexes, and curses to harm a desired person. Jinxes are small inconveniences to teach lessons. Hexes are much stronger and last for a seasonal period of time and tamer than curses. Curses can last lifetimes and even future generations and are only meant to be used on the worst of individuals. Also a closed magic.

Brujería: mainly a focus on dark magic, white magic, and red magic but with Mexican roots. Using dark magic in a closed manner. Using white magic to pray upon Hispanic saints and purify and clean with eggs, saint candles, evil eyes, rosaries, palo santo, sage, and incense. Using red magic to manipulate love. Closed magic as well.

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