Student Interview: Chemistry


Staff Writer

Chemistry is known by the population of students that chemistry is pretty hard. I’m currently enrolled in chemistry and asked a few of my classmates what their thoughts are on the class.

Student 1: “I think Chemistry isn’t that hard. You just have to dedicate your learning time and pay attention. Also, you want to have Borquez. If you don’t have Borquez, you gotta switch out.”

Student 2: “I think Chemistry isn’t that hard as long as you pay attention and really put your understanding in what you’re doing. Make sure you ask questions and like student 1 said, make sure you have Borquez.” 

Student 3: “Chemistry is pretty fun and you get to do a lot of interesting things in class. It is more challenging and it takes a lot of effort into what you are doing and for you to understand.” 

From these students, Chemistry isn’t easy but you need to just pay attention and apply yourself. I like Chemistry but I have to pay attention in class in order for me to succeed in the class. And like my fellow classmates, I enjoy being in Borquez’s class and think he is a good teacher.

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