VUSD Partners With FPU


Staff Writer

Every year high school students are ridden with anxiety about their futures and college. This added stress on top of rigorous courses and extracurriculars makes students question if the effort they are putting in will even get them into universities. Visalia Unified School District has partnered with Fresno Pacific University to ensure admissions to the university to all students who meet the requirements. This university offers over one hundred areas of study and being able to partner with a diverse school allows students to feel a sense of security and will motivate them to achieve higher levels of education. Guaranteed admissions are opened to junior students who are completing A-G courses and meet the requirement of a 3.0. From this comes scholarships and grant opportunities which are incredible sources of financial assistance for college students. This added assurance can immensely reduce financial stress and help college students focus more on their studies. This, however, is not the first contract of its kind. University of Merced, California had a contract signed that entailed similar information as the Fresno Pacific one that provided students with automatic enrollment upon graduation. These kinds of opportunities give students more options to work with when trying to figure out what they want to do is what is going to reduce stress levels and motivate more students to strive for higher education, 

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