Wild African Land Slugs Found in Luggage at Michigan


Staff Writer

Six giant African Land Slugs have been found in the luggage of a traveler who flew to Michigan from the West African country of Ghana. The slugs can carry a disease that can prove fatal to humans so they were seized on March 9th during an agriculture inspection at Detroit Metropolitan Airport in Romulus.

 The man that transported the snails was a resident of Ghana and said that they were being eaten. Giant African Land slugs are now prohibited from Michigan due to many factors like their diet of nearly 500 different types of plants, them being able to grow to 8 inches, and the fact that they carry a disease called rat lungworm. Now why write about a story like this, because it’s both concerning in the fact that these slugs are harmful and they were brought into the U.S and, funny because a few slugs caught a ride to Michigan through an airplane and caused a scene in an airport                                                                                                                                                          

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