Innocent Until Proven Guilty: Why believing all victims does not work


Staff writer 

Warning: include sensitive topics of SA

False accusation is a common trend that pledges the internet, these accusations can completely ruin someone’s career. Recently, the Youtuber creator Kwite was accused of sexual assault by the creator, Orion. Orion came out with a twit-longer claiming they were in a toxic relationship with Kwite including him being mentally abusive and using slurs against them. These accusations gather a lot of attention from the worldwide media. With serious cases like this happening, people are most likely to believe all victims. Without a doubt, people on all platforms took Orion’s word. 

It wasn’t until March eleventh, Kwite responded in an hour-and-a-half video. Debunking the accusations with large amounts of evidence. Telling his side of the story, claiming Orion was the one who wanted an intimate relationship with Kwite. In September 2018, Orion posted a video describing the same day the assault allegedly took place, having a very different account of how he felt that day. “I distinctly remember him getting out of my car but stopping Midway and just saying he really care about me” Orion claims. 

After Kwite’s response to the accusation, Orion displays his diagnosis from a psychologist. People suspected Orion of falsifying the document due to a large number of grammatical errors. Looking back at the Twitlonger by Orion, there wasn’t any evidence except for being close friends with Kwite backing up Orion’s statement. False accusations are just as bad as real ones since they both ruin lives. Situations like these are what make the actual victim afraid to come out. Because they think many people won’t believe them due to situations like these.  

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