AI-Generated Art


Staff Writer

AI-Generated Art is when AI creates a work of art based on numerous data. AI can produce dozens or hundreds of high-quality pictures per minute. However, there is a lot of debate on this program regarding copyright issues in the art market.

Will the copyright for AI paintings be legally recognized? On August 6, 2022, the U.S. Copyright Office and the U.S. Court of Appeals ruled that AI cannot be a system inventor under patent law. According to patent law, the inventor must be a natural person. Also, it stipulated that the inventor must be an ‘individual’, which means a person.

Is it possible to use other people’s works for AI learning? TDM (Text Data Mining) means using much data for AI learning. AI art programs are using other people’s works without permission for deep learning. On the internet, there are many debates about whether this is ethical. In conclusion, the EU, Japan, and the UK have a law known as TDM Exception, which means the use of various works for AI learning for non-commercial purposes is not in violation of the copyright law.

Personally, I believe AI-Generated Art is unethical. AI arts were created by developers and they profit from the unauthorized use of the work of others. Therefore, I believe there should be legal limitations on AI paintings.

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