My Interpretation of Poverty


Staff Writer

  Poverty has been an issue for a large amount of time; it affects a large percentage of today’s world population and will continue to expand. No matter the amount of income people may receive, there will always be people who can’t afford enough food, water, and shelter. Poverty is a disease that always spreads and will never be cured. To help cure this poverty “disease” organizations, like The World Bank, should support poorer countries so that poverty can be slowly eradicated. As a result of poverty, millions of lives are lost worldwide. Children in poor countries suffer from malnutrition due to a lack of food. To resolve poverty in America, we as a society can help by raising awareness through social media platforms, contacting schools for fundraising, and people in power to create change. It is an injustice to live a greedy life when we could potentially be saving lives. 

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