How to Deal with College Rejection


Staff Writer

Recently I was rejected by UCLA and Berkeley. This really hurt! And I want to give people some pointers on how to go about college rejection.

Tip #1: Focus on the options you have. This will ensure that you are too busy thinking about life at another college that you won’t be able to process the rejection and beat yourself up over it.

Tip #2: Go to your mom. My mom is my biggest supporter out there and telling her about my rejections cheered me up more than I could have ever imagined. Although she was very aggressive about it, towards the college, of course, it made me realize it wasn’t the end of the world. 

Tip #3: What’s done is done. Yes, you could file an appeal letter, but there isn’t really anything else you could do so you might as well focus on what’s coming up soon in your life. 

Overall just try not to let your rejections bring you down too much because they don’t determine your self-worth. Maybe your major was impacted or maybe your essays were formatted wrong. Either way, you shouldn’t take these rejections to heart.


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