Spring Break


Staff Writer

During Spring break a lot of youth and I went up for a yearly camp that is held every Spring. This camp was Old Oak Ranch in Sonora. I wouldn’t have wanted to spend my Spring break any other way. Going up there for 3-4 days is a great way to get your mind off things, be away from home, and just get to know new people. It’s also a great experience, at least for me it was. Each day we had breakfast, lunch, dinner, activities(which was the time when we get to know others and play games), conferences, and services. The people who own this camp did such a good job of providing clean rooms and good food for us. My point in writing about this is you should step out of your comfort zone more often. Not just that but maybe you can think about going camping soon with friends, family, or whoever you decide to go with. I personally went with my church youth and there were many more young people from different churches. Camping is actually way more fun than you may think.

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