How to Take Care of Piercing Bumps 


Staff Writer

With all the piercings I have, 16 in counting, I have had experience with a bunch of piercing bumps and I know how hard it can be to get rid of them. 

Tip #1: Stop touching it. A lot of people like to touch their new piercing, but doing this transfers all the germs and bacteria on your hand into your piercing. This causes you to gain/worsen a piercing bump, otherwise known as keloids. 

Tip #2: Use saline wash, but not too much. Using a wash such as Saline will help disinfect your piercing. The downside to this is you have to do it in moderation or else it will kill the bacteria that is helping your piercing heal. 

Tip #3: Use titanium jewelry. Using titanium jewelry doesn’t work for everyone, but I’ve found that for me, there is no type of oxidation or rust forming on my jewelry that will cause it to become infected.


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