Lost Touch

Staff Writer

The constant years coming every time the month where a birthday appears does it ever feel the same as before as a kid? A birthday used to be so simple, the excitement of a cake, presents, and even a bounce house if you were lucky. Now it’s just wanting to have a simple party in which we have a cupcake replacing the cake and the presents turned into only gift cards and clothing, but our wishes had turned from wanting a new toy car to wanting even to make it past this tough time and hope to make it pass this year or not. The title birthdays began to lose its touch and now it feels like another day where you’re forced to grow up and be expected to act your age. There have been people who have lost their inner child, unable to learn how to act with ease, and the carelessness which kids have. But then there are those who have no idea how to grow up, they stay with their inner childishness and cause recklessness upon those around them; it’s hard to think with the voices of others who have opinions and share them with the person who has already been overwhelmed with the other feedback. Growing up only ever means to others to grow up, the constant days celebrating new ages become a regular day that provides more responsibilities and actions; those who hadn’t gotten a chance to live their childhood miss out on doing the things other kids have done and a birthday just means how far they are going from their childhood unable to go back to it. Everything loses its value and meaning, the things we enjoyed as a kid only became a good memory or a cringy memory because what we like has changed due to our surroundings or just simply growing out of it. It’s hard to tell with so many meanings, it’s hard to believe what it could really be, the things we lost touch with we question why we no longer like to do them. “I used to love doing – but now it’s just not the same”, “Why’d you stop – you were so good at it”, “You’ve changed” It’s beginning to look like the things we used to do was just so childish and dumb, and we try to leave it behind growing up into what we need to live in this society, if we don’t then we fall behind and end up living with a constant cycle of trouble and struggles. You’ve lost touch with who you were before, you’ve lost touch with what used to make you so happy, would we say we are happy with where we stand now? Are we playing false happiness till we trick ourselves into believing it’s real, your inner child wants free, the days that mark your new age do not qualify you to change into someone who can no longer act freely and is a bit childish to have fun. The limits which we are forced to follow make us lose contact with what really matters. Have you really made any changes? Have you really lost touch?

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