Why is Self Confidence Important?


Staff writer

There’s a famous story told about a very successful magazine entrepreneur that received the wrong score on their SAT. In high school, he was known for hanging out with the wrong crowd and didn’t take school seriously because he thought he had enough potential to try. That was until he took the SAT, for his mom, and found out he got 1480 out of 1600. Once he received that score, he started to believe in his potential and started trying in school and managed to get into community college and from there to an Ivy League school. It wasn’t till after many years of him being successful that he got a letter that his actual score was 740. Because he started to believe that he was smart enough and good enough to try to do well at school and chase his dreams, he was able to build up a business and change his path toward something he wanted to do. Having self-confidence allows you to reach places that fear can hold you back from.

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