Finals Week and Senior Activities at El Diamante


Staff Writer

El Diamante will have a week dedicated to seniors and will be called Senior Week. This will be the week they take all their finals and have activities each day. It will be from Monday, May 22nd- Friday, May 26th. On Monday there will be a Reflections Rally, and on Tuesday there will be Senior Sunset and Facet night after school. On Wednesday there will be a senior barbeque held at the end of the 4th period. Thursday, May 25th will be the first day of finals, which are periods 0,1,3 and 5. Friday will be periods 2,4 and 6. Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors will take their finals the week of May 31st- June 2nd. Periods 1 and 3 will be on Wednesday the 31st, and periods 2 and 4 will be on Thursday the 1st. June 2nd will be the last day of school and will consist of finals in periods 5 and 6.  

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