Erkin Esengeldiev


Staff Writer

Ever since Erkin joined my journalism class, he always joked about how I should write an article dedicated to him. “In your dreams,” I’d say. Yet here we are.

Erkin Esengeldiev was one of 3 foreign exchange students that came to El Diamante for the 2022-2023 school year. I had the pleasure of meeting and becoming friends with all of them, but Erkin has always been special. He is my best friend. I say that with my entire heart. He has been there for me on my worst and best days. He has seen my ugly side and loved me anyways. Through thick and thin, Erkin has been by my side throughout the entirety of this year. Until very recently, that is.

Erkin left America to return to his home country, Kyrgyzstan, on May 9th. However, he left Visalia on April 28th to go on a trip hosted by FLEX, the program that has hosted his stay here in America. I have not been able to see my best friend for 2 weeks now. At first, it was easy enough with the end of the school year coming so close I’ve been kept very busy. But now that all of my AP tests are done and I only have one big concert left for the year before I graduate, the reality that he’s gone has hit me. I have missed Erkin so much in these past few days that it physically hurts me. I sit in journalism and can’t help but recognize how quiet it is, without his booming laughter and not-so-subtly whispering. The room no longer smells like his daily batch of popcorn that he’d microwave. I sit by an empty chair that hosts only the ghost of his presence. I miss the way he would annoy me while I tried writing my articles. I miss his poking and prodding. I miss Erkin.

But, I know it’ll be okay in the end. I’m so happy I had the honor of being able to know Erkin and see him every day this year. I’m proud of his accomplishments and am happy he gets to be back home and spend time with his family again because I can only imagine how hard it was to be away from them for so long. Even though his lack of presence hurts, I want to recognize all the joy he has brought me and the beauty of being able to meet him in the first place. Erkin was the sun on my cloudy days, a warm fire in the cold. I love Erkin with all my heart, and I am so grateful that I was able to have him in my life for this short period of time.

Erkin, if you’re reading this, I love you. I know we’re going to meet again, I’m just counting down the days. I hope you’re happy you finally got an article about you, you little skunk.

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