Plagues of our Nation


Staff Writer

How many children are going to die; their chance to live out their lifespan and fulfill their potential extinguished? How many teachers are going to die; their knowledge and support for the future generation cut off? How many families are going to be broken with trauma—their siblings and parents wrought with grief from having a brother; a sister; or a child permanently ripped from them? How many more shootings are there going to be before our governments take any action? We call ourselves a nation under God, yet we still kill like the Son of Sam.

Our country is supposed to be known as the land of the free. If that is the case, then why do we still discriminate against race? Why do we still discriminate against religion? Why do we still discriminate against gender? Why do we still discriminate against identity? 

Are we a free country if our Supreme Court has now ruled against women being in control of their own bodies? Are we a free country if an entire community of people must hide away from extremists in fear for their safety because their identities don’t line up with heteronormativity? Are we truly a nation indivisible when the political landscape today is so divisive among our representatives? Is there true liberty and justice for all if we find in many states the exact opposite for these communities?

Why has our nation already forgotten about the scars of George Floyd? The scars of Rodney King? Why do we continue to let injustice go free, time and time again? How long will these plagues of our nation continue to grow before they reach critical mass? How long will these plagues continue to grow until we revolt or be coerced into submission under authoritarianism?

I believe there can be a new America. I believe in our courage, our dedication, our passion, and our conviction to turn this nation into a great bastion for freedom and equality like no other country in the world. We need heroes, and we can build them. Melt down your platinum. Melt down your gold. Melt down your silver, your bronze, and your aluminum, and shape a society that is all free, equal, and informed.

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