My Ending Thoughts


Staff Writer

As the school year comes to an end I thought I could share some final thoughts with everyone who reads this. My name is Jazper Malone and I am a senior from Class Of ‘23. This year was very chaotic and left me in tears several times, but also allowed me to grow.

 There are so many great and memorable moments that will stick with me for life. From Tysai throwing a rager to becoming friends with people from Redwood I can’t say I knew what I was in for. I could have never predicted how this year would have turned out, but I can say I am grateful for what it left for me. And I look forward to the next step. College. 🙂

College seems like a new stressful thing, but I feel as if High School has prepared me well enough to handle all the stressors to come. From doing literally every club on campus to a sport every season and AP class on top of all of that it has left me ready for anything. Regardless of where or what I’m put in, I know I will prosper. 

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