The Disappearance of the 900’s Feline Family: Mystery Somewhat Solved

By Skye Mendivil

Some students who had classes in the 900 buildings last year might be familiar with the family of felines that lived under the large building, but not many students are aware of their mysterious disappearance from campus and what became of them.

The vent under the 900 building (photo taken by Urijah Benavente, 2023)

Not much is known about these cats other than the family consisted of at least one adult female and possibly her kittens who lived quietly under the 901 classroom through a small hole in a vent cover. They were extremely feral and were wary of students and teachers, however, this didn’t stop many volunteers taking turns feeding and coddling them before school, during passing periods, or after school.

As more people on campus became aware of this family, some students expressed their concern about the rumors of the cats being exterminated or sent to the pound so Mr. Fox, an ELA teacher, would block the opening of the vent to not only keep them out of there, but to prevent and protect any more from entering,

“I didn’t want the pest control to come and take them,” Fox said, “Even if they did take them to the pound, how many people do you think go to shelters to adopt? And what happens when they don’t get adopted? They get euthanized. I didn’t want that to happen.”

But that still doesn’t answer the question of where they went. Some students continued to wonder what happened to the cats. Some theories have ranged from the pest control finally caught them or they simply found another place to live. Fortunately, at least one of the cats had a happy ending.

Waffles (Photo taken by Ellie Herbet, 2023)

Ellie Hebert was a multimedia teacher that used to teach in the 900s last year. After four months of learning about the cats living under her classroom, she gave in, “My son and daughter named her Waffles. There was another cat that I couldn’t take home,” Hebert explained “I’ve never owned a cat before, so it’s definitely been an adventure.”

Although we do not know about the other cat’s whereabouts, we’re happy that Waffles is now living a comfortable life with Herbert and her family.


  1. Diana Padilla

    Love your work Skye xoxoxoxoxo

  2. I’m glad Waffles went to a good home

  3. Estrella Mendivil

    A well written article and happy that Waffles found a great home!

  4. Maestro Romero

    Buen trabajo Gugu!! 🙂

  5. This is such a wonderful article, it gave me more knowledge and information to my small brain

  6. Brooklyn Bawanan

    The best articles always written by Skye Mendivil. Thank you!!!


  8. Jesus Arnulfo

    Awesome and informative piece! Glad to hear that a happy story came out at the end for Waffles. Great job, Skye.

  9. Lindsay Collinwood

    I loved your article, Skye! So happy for Waffles 🙂

  10. Bella Gonzalez

    So cute! Glad that Waffles has a home

  11. Great article Skye! Looks like Waffles is living her best life.

  12. Rhiannon Wright

    Wonderfully written article. I am happy to hear at least one of the kitties has found a forever home to enjoy! Keep up the good work Skye!

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