Year Two with Strict Policies: How ‘Bad Apples’ Can Ruin Campus Privileges

In the Fall of 2021 El Diamante High School implemented a new policy where students were limited to use the vending machine only at lunch. Lots of students were not so happy with that because they wouldn’t be able to get anything to eat in the mornings or in between classes.

Senior, Angela Cruz said “I don’t really think it’s fair because I guess during the passing period it is harder for people to get food because people used to get food from there and now they can’t.”

A Campus Security Staff member added, “The reason that the vending machines are closed is because students get out of class to get food and they miss what they are doing in class and then they don’t know what to do when they get back to class and there are some classes that don’t allow food so then they are breaking the rules of the teacher’s class.” 

The vending machines were not the only thing with a policy change. The two restrooms are now locked during the first 10 minutes of class and at during the last 10 minutes of class. This did not make students happy because they now have to wait to use the restroom.

Junior Marlene Garcia said “It can be harder for students depending where the classrooms are and it may take more time because the restrooms can be farther from students classes because only two are available which can cause them to be missing class for a longer period of time.”

Locked restrooms first 10 and last 10 minutes of class (Photo by John Vargas)

There are only two restrooms available for all students on the entire campus which some find is an inconvenience because a lot of the time both restrooms are extremely full and most of the time those students are not in there using the restroom but messing around and talking to their friends.

The Campus Security Staff member stated “There is not enough supervision to cover all of the restrooms on the campus and students go from restroom to restroom instead of staying in class and doing what they are supposed to be doing.”

This is the reason why all restrooms are not all opened and how the consequences of some students impact the entire school. It is also why the vending machines are only open during lunch.

These policies were put into place because of some students who choose not to follow the rules and overuse and take advantage of the opportunities of getting something to eat or being able to use the restroom and unfortunately it affects the entire student body.

One Comment

  1. marlene garcia

    Great article I completely agree!

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