Continuing to Climb: El D’s Mountain Club

By: Suzana Guzman

At El Diamante’s Club Rush earlier this year, Mountain Club was presented by the president, Ariana Garcia. This year the club had a significant amount of students show interest in the club.

Mountain Club during Club Rush

Mountain Club introduces students to the environment and how they will grow more with nature. This club has been giving more students opportunities to enjoy the great outdoors and learn new things on hikes. It allows students to be challenged while facing new obstacles.

The president, Garcia, looks forward to the future of the club. Garcia leads the majority of the activities in Mountain Club under advisor, Mr. Rodriguez’ guidance.

She plans to make local trips and fun activities for the members. In the past, the club members have explored Three Rivers. Last year Garcia was able to plan a trip to star gaze at Scicon in Springville to learn more about stars and night-time wildlife.

Photo Credits:

Garcia states that “students [have] experienced and learned new things about the stars” which aligns with the purpose of this club.

The purpose is for students to get into the great outdoors and explore new things along the way. The hope is that they can travel in local mountain ranges, rivers, and trails.

Another goal for Mountain Club is to collect equipment for trails and hiking. Garcia hopes not only to teach members about new things about the environment, but also safety procedures and policies, such as staying hydrated and eating the right foods before students set out on a hike.

Members are able to have an input in where they would like to explore and what interests them. Mountain Club’s first meeting has not yet been announced yet, but will be soon.

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