El D Plans Exciting Events for Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration

By: Kimberly Martinez

Recently El Diamante High School students and staff have been coordinating to incorporate the celebration that is Hispanic Heritage. The month-long celebration recognizes the significant contributions that the Hispanic culture has made in the U.S. El Diamante’s contributions are significant to the many students and staff who are proud of their Hispanic Heritage.

What makes me proud to be Hispanic is
“the food”
-Maestra Jimenez

These month-long festivities are a way to celebrate and educate others of all that Hispanics have accomplished. It means so much for Hispanics to be able to share their culture with others and honor those that came before them. A Spanish teacher at ELD,

Maestra Jimenez shared that it is so significant to celebrate because “it’s a way to recognize our culture, our traditions, famous Hispanic people, and our food. Most important to celebrate is that we speak Spanish and that we are proud of who we are.”

Hispanics’ influence on the country has been growing over the years and continues to grow. Many have agreed that you can find the culture everywhere you go, whether that be in restaurants, the way people dress, or the amount of people that speak Spanish. But out of everything music and food seem to be the things that everyone has a shared love for.

Many Hispanic musicians have had great success and we cannot forget the our beloved taco trucks and taquerias. Students and staff have unanimously agreed that Hispanic culture has had a significant impact on the U.S. When asked if the impact was strong one student went so far as to answer, “YESSS a hundred percent.”

This year EL D has decided to celebrate by hosting a big carnival during lunch. The Spanish Club has already began planning the festivities. There will be different booths students can go to and do things like loteria, karaoke, musical chairs, dance competitions like salsa, and even a sack race. Different teachers will be assigned booths and encourage all students to join in on the fun.

The carnival is not the only thing planned, there will also be a dress up week that all students are able to participate in. There will also be music playing during the carnival, and any student willing to play their instruments to Hispanic music during the carnival are encouraged to and can report to Maestra Jimenez for further information. The dress up week will be taking place next week, the second week of October and the carnival will be held on Friday of the same week.

The students find this a great start for the celebration and appreciate ELD doing more to celebrate this year. When asked for any ideas EL D could incorporate for next year’s celebration a  student shared, “They should put up decorations all over the school like papel picado and have a rally for it” others even mentioned that having fun homeroom challenges would also be great. Both Maestra Jimenez and Maestro Rodriguez, Spanish teachers here at ELD, shared the great idea of including the beautiful dance Folklorico during this year’s carnival.

“My favorite part of being Hispanic is not getting sunburned because i’m brown”
– Natalia Romero

Many of the students and staff can’t wait for the festivities to come for Hispanic Heritage month. Seeing their culture celebrated throughout the school means so much. The festivities recognize their culture, making them feel included in the school.

“A lot of people feel related to the celebration,” commented Maestro Rodriguez.

heir excitement for the festivities isn’t the only thing they share. They all share that they are proud of their Hispanic Heritage along with other Hispanics. Whether that be for the parties that can last for days or the beautiful places that can be found in Hispanic countries. In general they are proud of the entire culture including the food, traditions, and music. But the reasons don’t stop there. There are many reasons to be proud of being Hispanic and the students and staff are happy to be given the ability to share their culture with everyone else at ELD.

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