AVID Family Travels to UC Riverside and San Jose State University

By Eliana Gonzalez

College of Science at SJSU

On November 1st and 2nd, the AVID family took trips to UC Riverside and San Jose State University, (SJSU) respectively, to tour what campus life is like there.

Both trips began with a tour of the campus. Then, after the tour finished students were given two hours to explore and do things on the campus.

UC Riverside was having a career fair, so the students were able to speak to many different colleges and receive information and swag from a variety of universities.

Mrs. Jacobsma commented, “You’ll see a lot of people alone at universities because they are so focused on their work”. However, she

did say that at SJSU “it is more social than a UC”.

During the SJSU trip, the students stopped at Casa de Fruta on the way. SJSU has many historical buildings on campus and is the first CSU to be made in California. It is famous for its engineering, computer science, and business programs.

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