El Diamante Boys Basketball Season Underway

By Anthony Noriega

As the winter season approaches El Diamante basketball is set to start their season very soon. The 2023-2024 season officially began this November when they played their first game against the Mission Oak Hawks. The Miners have been working extremely hard this off-season with preseason practice and playing tournaments for months now. After losing a lot of seniors this last year there is a question about how the boys will do, but these players feel they are ready and have what it takes to have an even better season than last year. 

Returning players set to lead the Miners this season are Santana Guerrero, Josh Velasquez, and Ezra Ayers. Last season the Miners ended their season with 18 wins and 9 losses, while going 7-3 in league and coming second overall in the East Yosemite League. The players on the team are setting high expectations for this year and have the drive to have a great season.

When asked about his thoughts this season varsity point guard Josh Velasquez says,

“We have a great team this year, and a lot of chemistry that gets better every practice. This summer we have built a great bond as a team and that has translated onto the court, when we practice we practice hard and when we play we play hard. I think we will go very far this season and overcome the losses from last year and win the league”.

Having confidence and chemistry like this is a great sign for this team early in the year and shows promise that the team is ready to play. Remember to come come out to support the Miners during their season this year.


  1. I really liked this story! Great use of quotes and loved how they are embedded!
    -Mariah Gomez , Sports Editor, Redwood Gigantea

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