The Rattle Stops: An Ending to Girls Varsity Soccer 23-24 Season

By: Kaylissa Elenes

That’s a wrap for this year’s varsity girls’ soccer season. These girls have put their all into this season and went out with a bang winning this year’s first battle of the rattle game ever in the history of El Diamante Soccer against Golden West.

Since this was the first year of Rattle, Grace Yates commented what her thoughts were on the game to which she replied, “I really liked it. It made the rivalry game more exciting and it was fun to celebrate with the rattle at the end.”

This is the start of a tradition that will continue to take place every year, adding a fun competitive game to look forward to each season. Grace also shared that her favorite memory from this season was which I found to be the majority of the girls’ favorite memory was, “Bella breaking the rattle.” This will be a fun memory that will forever be remembered and enjoyed by the entire team and it really brought the whole night together after the girls scored an awesome victory.

Girls Varsity Soccer Starting Line Up, Photo Credit: Kaylissa Elenes

When asked what her favorite part about Battle for the Rattle was, Captain Bella Villarreal responded with “it’s definitely coming back and winning 3-1 against Golden West especially since we lost to them our first round playing them.” This displays the girls’ soccer team strength and perseverance to come back even when faced with difficulties placed along their path and they can get the job done.

Ending League with a win was a great way to end the season off leading into playoffs. It gave the girls a great sense of pride winning the rattle and was overall an amazing experience for them. Furthermore, I have also asked Bella as a captain how she felt this season had gone overall, “I think this season went pretty well. Our team adjusted well to a new coach and I believe we accomplished most of our goals and had a lot of fun together.”

Now moving forward with team encouragement Captain Addison Tripp stated, “We kept the team encouraged by always staying positive and sticking to our goals. Also, before each game with the other captains as well, we would give positive talks to the team in hopes of motivating the girls to play to their full potential. We started fresh this season so everyone was ready to play strong.” The girls had amazing captains this year leading them and being team role models that aided their team to always do the best that they could. 

Overall this Varsity Girls’ Soccer season has been a blast for these girls and I can’t wait to see what the next season brings for them.

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