By: Giana Perez
On April 18 & 19, El Diamante’s dance show “Waves” took place at the LJ Williams Theater. There were some fantastic dancers throughout the whole show. The goal of the performance was for the audience to sense a theme, feel like they were watching a story, and just enjoy the beauty of dance.

A lot of the dancers in this show had great rhythm and moved to the beat of the songs very well. While these dancers were performing, you could see the expressions on the crowd’s faces, filled with excitement and joy while watching them hit every beat. Some of the more solo parts were mostly slower songs, which made it more emotional. The dancer’s emotion and moves were fascinating to watch, and many of the solos portrayed beautiful messages.

I asked some dancers questions about being in dance and their experience. Senior four-year dance team member, Anna Arbizo, said, “Dance has made me have good relationships with everyone.”
When she dances her motivation usually is “seeing the underclassmen turn into the upperclassmen dancing”. She also stated that her favorite dance performance was “Something Bad” by Carrie Underwood this dance show.
Another senior dancer, Anissa Martínez, has been in dance for four years and said that “Dance has impacted me because it showed me how to work with a team and has made me feel more comfortable on stage”.

Lastly, senior Karla Serna, who has also been in dance for four years said, “Dance has helped me be more confident and show my facial expressions more”. Her thoughts on the overall dance show were that “It was fun and a memory to never forget.” She described that her overall favorite dance was “Miami” because it was a “fun dance and made [her] feel pumped up”. She prepared herself mentally by telling herself that no one really cared about how she looked and that it was all in her head. She described how it just matters if you’re trying, and she physically prepared herself by practicing a lot and putting in the effort.
Cover photo taken from @eldiamantedance on Instagram