Author: staff

Goes Away

By: ALYSSA GONZALEZ  Staff Writer I’d like to understand my needs of doing I’d like to predict my own present So far away from safe don’t you understand it goes[Read More…]

To my friend in Georgia.

By CALLIE WATSONStaff Writer Texting different time zones. Late night Facetimes. Thousands of miles. I miss our beach trips. I miss watching rom-coms at midnight. I miss your mom’s home-cooked[Read More…]

Bobo the Corgi

By: MORGAN PHILLIPE Staff Writer This is Bo. He’s my corgi and he’s a happy dog I love my dog, but he’s a little crazy. He is willing to play[Read More…]

Yin & Yang

By SAMUEL TORRES Staff Writer My life has gotten nowhere over the last 17 years. I was already a senior with nothing but myself, no lover, no friends, no siblings,[Read More…]

Michelangelo’s Pieta

By: MICHELLE PARK Staff Writer Michelangelo’s greatest masterpiece, the Pieta, depicts Mary grieving with the dead Jesus in her lap. Because of the excellent body depiction and delicate emotional expression,[Read More…]