Author: staff


BY JENNALYNN SAESEE Staff Writer As October draws near, we can only wonder how to enter the season of Fall. Here, are a few things you can do :

Disney Movie Review

By: ALISHA VASQUEZ Staff Writer 6.5/10 Frozen is a very slow-starting movie. Over time, the film starts to pick up its pace and becomes an enjoyable watch. The two major[Read More…]

Fall Activities

By: TYSAI MARTINEZ Staff Writer September 22 will be the official start of Fall! With summer and its intolerable triple-digit temperatures finally out of the window, we can now enjoy[Read More…]

Overbearing Water

By: JAZPER MALONE Staff Writer Water flows whether you like it or not,  I wish my water was a waterfall,  or oasis of some sort,  the pretty settled sounds of[Read More…]