Author: staff


By NOLLAN LIZARDO Staff Writer  On February 4th, I had the opportunity to participate in the Kaweah Delta Health Care, DOC B.A.N.D. It was on a webinar platform, as you[Read More…]

Stimulus Check on Hold

By SAMUEL GARCIA Staff Writer Congress is negotiating a stimulus package for Americans that would include a third stimulus check. President Biden is pushing for a $1,400 stimulus for the[Read More…]

High School Name Change

By COLIN CHASE Staff Writer High schools in San Francisco are determining if the names of high schools with presidential names for “racial justice.” The blue ribbon panel of community[Read More…]


By MEGAN TUCKERStaff Editor If you split me down the center, which side would I flock to? Which parts of myself would I choose? Surely it is an impossible question[Read More…]