Author: staff

Trust in God…

By: LAUREN LANDINStaff Writer I asked for strength… And God gave me difficulties to Make me strong. I asked for wisdom… And God gave me a brain and brawn to[Read More…]

The Beauty Of All

By ADELLE ACOSTA Staff Writer  Life is made up with an infinite amount of colors.  How raspberries are so juicy red.  The way that tree bark represents oaky brown.  From[Read More…]

NCAA Football is Back

BY MARTIN FERNANDEZ Staff Writer NCAA football is finally back after it’s long disappearance in the year of 2013. I’m not talking about the type of college football that you[Read More…]


By JADA LEMOS Staff Writer The military of Myanmar, overthrew the country’s fragile democratic government in a coup d’etat on February 1st, arresting civilian leaders, shutting off the internet, cutting[Read More…]

Frenchie Season

By TASI BENAVENTE         Staff Writer On January 28th, my family’s dog, Honeybuns, gave birth to five, beautiful puppies. With these puppies born, my older sister came down for the first[Read More…]