Author: staff

Life Changes

By: BRIANNA RODRIGUEZ Staff Writer In life, we often make changes for the better of our society. We always want to make changes when it comes to our world and[Read More…]

One of Three PART6

By: ALEXISS ABILA  Staff writer  Phoebe and I went to Prue’s work and saw her talking to Andy. Andy is a detective and also Prue’s high school sweetheart. Andy has[Read More…]

Kindness Week

By KYRA HASH Staff Writer  In honor of the week of Valentine’s Day, El D students took part in a Kindness Week full of dress-up days. Each day of the[Read More…]

Apex Documentary

By DEMETRIO GONZALEZ Staff Writer         I recently started playing a game called Apex Legends. In this game, you can choose out of multiple characters, which are considered legends, as the[Read More…]

The 2 Ways To Schooling

By: CLAIRE JOHNSON  Staff Writer In a perfect world, every student deserves to have an individualized learning plan made just for them. Having a path of curriculum designed specifically for[Read More…]

The Deported

By DELILAH GUTIERREZ Staff Writer The United States has been deporting people for years. The Human Rights Watch has been collecting data on the deported since 2013. They have found[Read More…]